15-18U Summer Season Tryouts


We are thrilled to announce the Tryout Details for our 15-18U boys 2025 Summer Season! Once you have looked over the information provided here, please be sure to review the sections below to learn more about both of the program options we have available this season. We’re looking forward to seeing many of you soon, and please feel free to reach out to our Boys High School Director – Louis Richard, with any questions or concerns.

When: Our tryouts will be held on Monday, February 24th  from 7:30pm-9:30pm

Where: North Shore Sportscenter in Northbrook. This will be a primary practice location for the Summer Season as well.

Season Details: More information on the Summer Season can be found below!


What to Expect:

Our tryout process will evaluate performance on a range of skills specific to the athlete’s primary position, along with more general skills and concepts appropriate to their age group. Time will be split between skill work and scrimmage-based drills, and our full program staff will be on rotation between all courts to keep our training environment fast-paced and high energy.  We understand the pressure associated with a tryout, and do our best to help all athletes treat this process as if it were any other night of practice – nobody wants you to succeed on the court more than us!

Additional details will be sent out to all registrants ahead of our tryout date, including information on the tryout results process and when you can expect to hear back.

15-18U National Program Details

Our National Program features the highest level of training available, competing in regional and national tournaments.  Athletes in our National Program are dedicated to the sport of volleyball and have a variety of goals including mastering their skills, making their school team, playing college volleyball, and competing for the highest level of success.

Note: Athletes participating with one of MOD’s National teams are expected to compete at AAU Nationals in Orlando between 6/30-7/7 based on their age group (Wave 1: 6/30-7/3 | Wave 2: 7/4-7/7). Additional travel and event logistics will be issued for those that are selected to a National roster shortly after our tryouts are complete, but in the meantime please contact Louis Richard, Boys High School Director, at louis@modvolleyball.com with any questions or concerns. 

  • Season Length: June 2nd through July 3rd or 7th
  • Practice Days: 2 practices per week, Mondays & Wednesdays between 6:00-10:00pm. Practices will be in 2 hour blocks, and final times will be communicated closer to season start. 
  • Tournaments: 7 competition dates in total which include a 3-day Local event and 4-day National event for AAUs in Orlando, Florida.
  • Price: We believe in providing the most comprehensive and inclusive cost up front to our members – meaning no hidden fees! Our 15-18U National Program dues for the 2025 Summer Season total at $1,150, which includes everything EXCEPT our uniform package ($445). Returning athletes that participated on a MOD roster during the Fall/Winter do NOT need to purchase a uniform package – this applies to NEW athletes only!