Private Lessons
Looking for some additional court time to supplement your training? Private Lessons offer a great opportunity to elevate your level of play through specific skill work and drills! These sessions are open to ALL athletes, but depend on trainer and facility space availability.
Interested in learning more or signing up for a lesson? Contact our Supplemental Program Director, Kirstine Jensen and she will take you through the next steps!

What to Know Before Signing Up
- Private Lessons are offered on a limited basis, pending staff availability and open facility space. This will fluctuate over the course of the season, and while there are times when we are able to accommodate many lessons there are also points at which extra court space outside of our usual practice hours is scarce. We are happy to fill all of the lesson slots available any given week, but understand that there is no guarantee on availability for your preferred times or dates.
- Private Lessons are intended to supplement an athlete’s training – not replace it. Think of these sessions as a tool and resource at the athlete’s disposal, rather than a singular solution. Our goal is to provide clear feedback, correct any improper form or technique, and work with the athlete to develop good habits while eliminating bad ones (mentally, mechanically, etc.).
- You get out what you put in! Much like any other training or skill work, improvement is a process and what we invest in that process determines our results. While this concept is simple to grasp, we understand that it is much more difficult to maintain in application – our training staff is ready to push you further and challenge you on the court, but step number one is preparing yourself to work hard the minute you walk into the gym.