Boys Program Tryouts are August 17th
We are excited to kick off another season and are looking forward to seeing you in the gym for our 2024-2025 Boys Program Tryouts! Once you have looked over the information provided here, please be sure to review the sections below to learn more about both of the program options we have available this season – National & Club. We’re looking forward to seeing many of you soon, and please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
When: Our tryouts will be held on Saturday, August 17th at the following times:
MAKE-UP Tryouts will be held on Tuesday, August 20th @ North Shore Sports Center from 6:00-8:00pm for ALL Age Groups.
- You should only attend the make-up if you are unable to tryout on 8/17. Roster space will be limited and dependent on the 8/17 tryout results.
Looking for our Middle School tryout page instead of High School? Click here!

What to Expect:
Our tryout process will evaluate performance on a range of skills specific to the athlete’s primary position, along with more general skills and concepts appropriate to their age group. Time will be split between skill work and scrimmage-based drills, and our full program staff will be on rotation between all courts to keep our training environment fast-paced and high energy. We understand the pressure associated with a tryout, and do our best to help all athletes treat this process as if it were any other night of practice – nobody wants you to succeed on the court more than us!
At this tryout we will be fielding athletes for both our National and Club Programs (outlined below), but note that teams will not be assigned until later in the season. Furthermore, when registering for tryouts please be sure to select your rising age group for next Fall. For example, if you played 14’s (typically 8th graders) during the 2022-2023 season and will be a freshman in the Fall, you should sign up under the 15U age group. Whether you hope to compete as part of our National or Club Program, we have an excellent season lined up for our athletes and can’t wait to get started!
Additional details will be sent out to all registrants ahead of our tryout date, including information on the tryout results process and when you can expect to hear back from us.
Important Notes:
- As this registration is being fielded on a fairly new (and improved) platform, bear in mind that you may need to create a new account and profile for your athlete in order to complete the registration process. Once your guardian account and athlete profile(s) have been established, moving forward you’ll be able to quickly select the correct athlete for your desired program without having to reenter player information!
National Details
Our National Program features the highest level of training available, competing in local, regional, and national tournaments. Athletes in our National Program are dedicated to the sport of volleyball and have a variety of goals including mastering their skills, making their school team, playing college volleyball, and competing for the highest level of success.
- Season Length: September – February, IHSA Season Break from February – May, then resume in late May/early June through AAU Nationals.
- Practice Days: 2-3 practices per week consisting of two main weekday sessions, weekend positional training, and dedicated strength and conditioning sessions.
- Practice Length: National practices are typically 2 hours of training + 30 minutes of strength & conditioning.
- Practice Projections: Our High School teams will train on either M/W or Tu/Th, for a 2hr block between 6:00-10:00pm. Weekend position practices will be limited and frontloaded within our season schedule (prior to competition, non-competition weekends).
- Practice Locations (varied): The NSSC , Fairview South Elementary, Loverde Recreation Center
- Season Breaks: Our season breaks take place during these general times of year:
- Thanksgiving Break: Full week off
- Winter Break: 2-2.5 weeks surrounding Christmas and New Years
- IHSA Break: February – Mid May
- Tournaments:
- Approximately 24-28 competition dates throughout the season (14-18 local, 10 travel).
- Local events are classified as any tournament our teams are able to commute to by car within <2 hours, so while in some cases your event may be out of state know that it can STILL be considered “local” (e.g. Milwaukee, Rockford, NW Indiana, etc.). All travel events will include a dedicated MOD hotel block along with additional instructions and logistics per location. Some common destinations from past seasons include St. Louis, Indianapolis, Louisville, Detroit, Anaheim, & Orlando.
- Coaching: All National Program teams will have 1 Head Coach and 1 Asst. Coach.
- Price: When factoring in all of the costs that go into running a successful season, MOD continues to offer the most complete programming for our area at the lowest price possible! We understand firsthand that youth sports can be a large commitment, and we pride ourselves on being an organization that is committed to delivering the top-of-the-line experience our community has come to expect. Our season dues cover all costs associated with our scheduled training, tournament registration, coach compensation, and admin operations – the only additional fees that families are required to pay are for 1.) our Uniform Package (typically $325-450) and 2.) personal travel and lodging during competition weekends out of the area. While we are still crunching the final numbers for our 2023-2024 season dues, you can expect totals to land within the following range for our 15-18U National Program teams. To learn more about potential scholarship opportunities or to better understand our cost projections please email
- 15-18U National Cost Projection | $4100-4500
Club Details
Our Club Program is every bit as focused on mastering the fundamental skills of volleyball and developing sport-specific strength and game knowledge, but with an adjusted season schedule (no nationals, less overall travel). MOD’s training curriculum operates the same between both our National and Club Program, meaning athletes will receive the same high-quality reps during practice regardless of season length or event schedule.
- Season Length: September – February. After our Club Program’s season concludes, know that we will be holding tryouts in order to field additional teams for the Summer phase of our program, including the opportunity to compete at AAU Nationals.
- Practice Days: 2-3 practices per week consisting of two main weekday sessions, weekend positional training, and dedicated strength and conditioning sessions.
- Practice Length: Club practices are typically 2 hours long
- Practice Projections: Our High School teams will train on either M/W or Tu/Th, for a 2hr block between 6:00-10:00pm. Weekend position practices will be limited and frontloaded within our season schedule (prior to competition, non-competition weekends).
- Practice Location: The NSSC , Fairview South Elementary, Loverde Recreation Center
- Season Breaks: Our Club Program’s seasonal breaks will take place during the following dates:
- Thanksgiving Break: Full week off
- Winter Break: 2-2.5 weeks surrounding Christmas and New Years
- Season Concludes: In February, separate tryouts for Summer phase to follow
- Tournaments:
- Approximately 16-18 competition dates throughout the season (all local).
- Local events are classified as any tournament our teams are able to commute to by car within <2 hours, so while in some cases your event may be out of state know that it can STILL be considered “local” (e.g. Milwaukee, Rockford, NW Indiana, etc.).
- Coaching: All Club Program teams will have 1 Head Coach along with an additional “floater” coach for training support (1 per 2-3 teams).
- Price: When factoring in all of the costs that go into running a successful season, MOD continues to offer the most complete programming for our area at the lowest price possible! We understand firsthand that youth sports can be a large commitment, and we pride ourselves on being an organization that is committed to delivering the top-of-the-line experience our community has come to expect. Our season dues cover all costs associated with our scheduled training, tournament registration, coach compensation, and admin operations – the only additional fees that families are required to pay are for 1.) our Uniform Package (typically $325-450) and 2.) personal travel and lodging during competition weekends out of the area. While we are still crunching the final numbers for our 2023-2024 season dues, you can expect totals to land within the following range for our 15-18U Club Program teams. To learn more about potential scholarship opportunities or to better understand our cost projections please email
- 15-18U Club Cost Projection | $3100-3500