What to Call Me: Reggie/ Coach Reggie
Who Am I: Growing up I always had a passion for sports and played just about every sport my school had to offer. While my talent and skills led me down a successful high school and college career in basketball, my true goal was to work with adolescent athletes. I have had the opportunity to be a part of Under Armor and Gatorade basketball performance camps, work as a coach and mentor for multiple youth sports teams and organizations, and work with athlete recruiting as an undergraduate student at Texas Southern University. Now, I plan to continue that work as I continue to obtain my Master’s in Sport and Human Performance and also a Master’s in Rehabilitation Counseling at Adler University. I look forward to building on my skills as a Mental Performance consultant and am excited to work with my future athletes.
Why I’m Here: From communication and teamwork to self-control and personal development, sports can teach many lessons. When deciding to work as a coach and mentor to athletes I began to notice the importance of understanding and working on the mental aspects of one’s game and how when gaining that understanding you can see an increase in athletic performance. As a future certified mental performance consultant I plan to use this opportunity to develop more of my skills and assist with the mental performance of the athletes at MOD Volleyball, so that they may perform on a high level and be prepared for the mental performance demands at the next level of competition.
Best Way to Reach Me: rcarter2@adler.edu for personal inquiries, Modmentalperformance@gmail.com for program inquiries.